Monday, August 30, 2010

common throughout the 112 line

common throughout the 112 line, after the phone is open to receive the signal even in the absence and even very little power, any brand of mobile phone anywhere Jieke dial. allocate 112, immediately went into voice as follows: This is the mobile phone 112 emergency rescue line, if you want to report, please call 0 We will transfer your call the police; If you need assistance, please dial 9, we will transfer you fire. the Chinese had finished, would be to repeat in English. then just dial 0 or 9, some Someone will answer. to the circumstances in three persons, or other difficulties experienced climbers lost or, should dial 9 to get timely relief.have students like to eat fast eat cup noodles, and later, the students went to the hospital because of illness, doctors found that his stomach with a layer of wax! original, cup noodles, the container includes an edible wax! you next time to eat cup noodles Feel Beibi not feel slippery, that it wants to.

and prolonged food cup surface, will cause our liver to break down the consumption of wax.Finally, the students had to seek treatment to remove this layer of wax, tragic death.remind those days, when the side out as far as possible, another bubble with a bowl to eat, do not use the bowl of noodles, cup noodles, red boiling water directly attached to the container consumption. even for business, but also bring a big mug of instant noodles to use. to their own bodies, not to get lazy ah!

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