Thursday, September 9, 2010


suddenly, the sky came a quiet requiem-site voice: No, you lie ...... God, you can not fool the I ....... I am angry, very angry!!! asked God, why do you let me Zhe Meshuai !!!! God that they heard the voice of requiem: What did you say? my body limp, sobbing loudly: Why Zhe Meshuai ....... God was silent for a ...... After a while, christian louboutin God says: You humble ......
that moment, I want to jump from the pinnacle of ........ A team suddenly rushed down the mountain with the mountains, and later learned that Annan was kidnapped, the mother of criminals, led by the grandmother had Ci Xi in the Qing Dynasty in China christian louboutin shoes around when the maids, lords and masters are birthplaces of the ministers, Arkenstone is the torture chamber, Annan really he is a heroic guy, has been used in the ninth sentence, just say my hiding places. ...
me mad!!!
I stood on a stone, the face of towering cliffs, hysteria: you dare to come!!! I'll jump !!!!! people do not stop moving, and surprising silence .... the crowd began, many christian louboutin sale people like possessed general, from the cliff edge and jumped down, more and more!
last only a few faint of still remain in the mountains, and the rest, all jumped the cliff, I looked down and they gave me their bodies had paved a cushion, afraid that I stumble down .... I am helpless ... I was Female protection in the past sent the Pentagon, a woman proud to see my side.

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